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June/July '22 Update

Hi Friend!

Currently rice is being harvested around Mongu. I though it might be interesting for me tell you a bit about Mongu rice. Mongu overlooks the Barotse floodpleins (wetlands caused by the Zambezi overflowing) which are ideal for rice agriculture. Many people plant rice seedlings just before rain season. When the water dries up this time of the year the rice gets harvested. During harvest season, as you drive around town you will see many mats with rice husks (pictured in the cover photo) out in the sun to dry. The dried rice is then stored. Interestingly as long as the rice is kept in the husks it is safe from weebles. When the rice is ready to be used or sold, the rice is taken to a mill where the husks are removed (and actually used to make a type of chip board) to reveal the rice grains. Many families who have farmlands plant rice and then keep it to eat throughout the year until the next harvest season. Mongu rice is a specific type of white rice. It is very fragrant while it is being cooked (a bit like jasmine rice), it is somewhat sticky and it tastes delicious.

Champions Club Update

We have unofficially launched champions club and we are looking forward to an official launch in August when Craig Johnson (the founder of Champions Club) comes to visit 🎉🎉. Champions Club is a program that aims to minister to special needs children holistically so that they can fulfill their God given destiny. It focuses on each child's spiritual, motor, sensory and cognitive development. For us, it looks like a bible story with a number of games/activities to target the various aspects of development. In the pictures below Ester is learning about animals after hearing how Jesus was born in a place where animals live. Njumba is colouring in a picture related to the bible story while revising what he heard in the story.

Sitting Tall

Dorcus' wheelchair is a bit big for her. This means that she doesn't sit with a good posture for the majority of the day. We managed to make some cushions that will support her body. Look at the difference it makes!

Hope Church Mongu

We recently celebrated Father's Day at church. Here is a picture of our wonderful lead pastor, Moses, and his family. I have so much respect for this family.

Discipleship Center

At VOH we have a discipleship center. A safe place for children to play, discover their talents and develop their skills. My work space is rather close to the discipleship center so I often hear laughing and music coming from that side. The video shows what a wonderful, safe, place the discipleship center is.


It's so refreshing to have so teams come to visit. Last month we had a team from Chi Alpha based in the USA, and we currently have teams from Hope Church in George as well as View Church, Cape Town here. It's been good for me to look at the work we do everyday through the eyes of visitors. God has done amazing things! Please pray that the ministry they do in the villages will be effective and that God works in each person's heart who comes here.

Until next time! :)

I have become so aware of how many people call themselves 'Christian' but they are unwilling to truly follow Jesus and do life His way. I see the hurt and brokenness that comes from people doing life their own way on a daily basis. To circle back round to the rice, I am reminded of the verse in Matthew 9:37-38 The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. May the collective church be filled with people who extravagantly love Jesus and other people. May this love compel them to pray for and work to collect a harvest of Christ-loving, people-loving, obedient followers of Jesus.

I so enjoy reflecting on all that is happening! God is so very good to us here in Mongu. With much love and joy 🌻 ,


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