Tanya La Cock

May 19, 20224 min

May'22 Update

Hi friend!

It's been a while since I sent out an update. There is so much to catch you up on! It's been a lovely, productive time in Mongu. The weather has been changing around here. We have had our final rains for the season and are transitioning into cold season. Which means currently our maximum temperatures are in low 30°s (Celsius of course). We also recently celebrated Easter and had the opportunity to reflect on the gift of Jesus. Personally, I celebrated by hosting a traditional Passover family meal. It's amazing to see how so many parts of the Passover tradition point to Jesus. Here a picture of half of our group:

Mobile Therapy Update

Mobile therapy in Mandaga area is reaching about 10 children with special needs. Interestingly, some of the neighboring children from the community have started joining us as well. We are looking at how we can minister to them as well. Recently God provided funds for us to build some equipment for this mobile therapy site. We are now working with an organisation in South Africa to design wooden standing frames. These will be manufactured by local carpenters in Mongu. Here are some pictures of what our setup looks like:

Cerebral Palsy Workshops

Education is a powerful tool that we can use to bring about change. I have seen alot of change in the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy through simply providing digestible information regarding the condition to the people in their lives. Hence all the workshops.

We hosted our fourth cerebral palsy caregiver workshop. Since our first workshop in October 2021, a total of twenty caregivers have completed the workshop . Here is a picture of our most recent group with their facilitators. Dorothy and Mercy have children with CP and teach from experience.

I also hosted an intensive 2-day workshop on the management of CP. The participants were caregivers from care-facility for special-needs children and some of the physiotherapists from the local hospital. There were 22 participants in total. It was wonderful how receptive they were to the information and to see their commitment to improving the lives of CP children. Here is the group who participated.

Our regular special needs program

We have about 50 children on our special needs program. And they are VERY cute. Here are some of their beautiful faces. Thank you to everyone who makes this program possible, be it through financial contribution or through prayer. I know you will be richly blessed. I love that I get to be part of their lives and I pray you know that you are also a part of their lives.

Village Ministry

I love these pictures of some of our village churches celebrating easter. These are churches in Shilikoma and Lituwa respectively. We continue to pray into the vision of having a life-giving church within walking distance of every person in Western Zambia.

Hope Kids

Our kids church team recently wrote and choreographed a new song. Enjoy!!

Wat have I been reading and listening to?

I recently "The things we cannot say". I loved it! It even made me cry. It's an historical fiction book and celebrates the strength of two women. One women is in a concentration camp and the other is the mother to a child with non-verbal autism. I highly recommend it!

Brene Brown released a wonderful book called "Atlas of the Heart." It is a non-fiction book about emotions and the role that they play in our lives. I listened to it on audible. Brene narrates it herself and she is HAND DOWN the BEST narrator I have listened to. On that note if you want to read more but you don't have time, consider audible. It's a game changer. Two interesting things she introduces:

  • She differs between stress and overwhelm. When a person is stressed they need someone to help them manage their task lists. They should be able to tell you how you can help them. When someone is overwhelmed they are unable to verbalise what they need. Their thinking brain has shut down. They need to give in to their emotions while someone takes over their tasks for a short time. If someone can tell you what they need you to do for them they are likely experiencing high stress and not overwhelm. Interesting hey?

  • The concept of near enemies. Some emotions feel good but they are actually harmful. E.g. sympathy is the near enemy of compassion. Sympathy let's you feel good that you care, but it allows you to distance yourself. "Poor them! Shame, it must be terrible to be in that situation. Compassion is also a caring emotion but it fuels a response. "That is a terrible situation! I have to do something..."

Francis Chan has a four part series on the cross. Highly recommend! You can listen to it here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4FfRIGXSR9yc7Qr5NmduNU?si=f2ac977b9c5c4d49

Until next time! :)

Wow! While looking for pictures and stories to share in this newsletter I found that there are so many big and small things that we can celebrate. God is good! Have a blessed day!
With much love and joy,

P.S. I have been enjoying eggs, baked beans and toast for breakfast lately. Here is an appropriate joke worth sharing. What do you call a can opener that doesn't work?
a CAN'T opener